Volume 14 (2024)
Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Issue 2 February 2019, Pages 1-170
Issue 1 August 2018, Pages 1-170
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2011)
Research Paper
About a few Musical Terms in the Manoocheir's Divan

Razie Abadian

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 1-16


  Manuchehri-ye Damghani is among the poets who expressed considerable interest in music, and the musical terms in his divan are more frequent than the works of many other poets. According to the published texts, some of these terms appeared for the first time in his collection of poems (divan) - as far ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Comparative Analysis of Architecture and Architectural arays of Chahaharbagh and Aligholi agha mosque-school

Ali Reza Khajeh Ahmad Attari; Mohieddin Aghadavoudi; Bahareh Taghavinejad

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 17-36


  This paper focuses on Chaharbagh and ʻAliqoli Āqa, two mosque-schools of Isfahan. These monuments were built in the era of Shah Soltan Hossein, and situated within two outstanding urban complexes in Isfahan. The paper proposes two hypotheses. First, the mentioned mosque-schools – as the most ...  Read More

Research Paper
From Ḫalman to Alwan:The four thousand year narrative of an ancient toponym (Sarpol-e Zahab)

iraj rezaie

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 37-56


  The city of Sarpol-e Zahab, based on the historical texts and its numerous and famous ancient monuments, has a long history. The existence of the two important rock reliefs, Annubanini, and Iddi(n)-Sîn on a rock at the center of the city, indicates that the place was under the control of the Zagros ...  Read More

Research Paper
An Influence of Achaemenid Historiography on Historiography of Greek

Rozbeh Zarrinkoub; Yaser Malekzadeh

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 57-74


  Before coming Persians as conquerors to Asia Minor, Greek societies who lived in western Asia Minor had limited knowledge about Persian and Median culture and traditions. Their information usually had transferred by native habitants in Asia Minor. After Establishment of the Achaemenid Empire, Persians ...  Read More

Research Paper
Study and Analysis of the Rock Architectural Hill Rasadkhaneh at Maragheh

saeid sattarnezhad; habib shahbazi shiran; Esmaeel Maroufi

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 75-92


  One of the main rock sites of Maragheh is the rock-cut architectural complex at the west part of the Observatory Hill. Despite being on the National Monuments list; this rock-cut site’s use is not studied comprehensively yet. The structure is located at the end of Pasdaran (former Darayi) Street, ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Comparative Look at the Zoroastrians Dakhmas in Iran and India and the Ritual and Religious Aspects of Making the Dakhma in the Parsees Tradition

Iraj enayatizadeh; Jaleh Amouzegar

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 93-108


  The Zoroastrians has the burial custom of offering their dead to the dakhme. The early dakhmes were extremely simple buildings on the wall of the mountains. In the Islamic era, the handmade dakhmes of clay and stone were called borj (tower). In India, the immigrant Zoroastrians, called Parsis, preserved ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Pronunciation of some Words in Shahname

Vahid Idgah torghabei

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 109-127


  The accurate pronunciation of words in ancient Persian texts has always been problematic, due to the changes that have occurred in the Persian language. In this paper, the pronunciations of some words in Shahnameh are studied. The study includes the words which the literati do not have an agreement on ...  Read More

Research Paper
Political and Diplomatic Relations between Shah Ismail I and Bayezid II Based on the Ottoman Documents ( 911 -917 H/ 1505-1511)

Vural Ganç

Volume 8, Issue 1 , August 2018, Pages 129-146


  It seems that in the Safavid studies, the political and diplomatic relations between Shah Ismail and Bayezid II, which was in a relatively peaceful environment, were overshadowed by subsequent wars. In general, Safavid studies have focused on a period that began with the wars due to the coming of Salim. ...  Read More