Writers Guide


Dear researchers, please read the  following  text carefully before submitting the article.

Please complete the author(s) commitment form and the conflict of interest form with the same names (conflict of interest form and author commitment form) at the time of registering the article for refereeing. It should be noted that without submitting the following forms, the article will not be reviewed through the system.

Please all memebers sign the pledge form.


To view and complete the authors' commitment form, download and complete it here.

To view and complete the conflict of interest form, download and complete it here.


The conditions for accepting an article in the “Journal of Iranian studies

Introduction (BTitr 12 Bold)


The paragraph below the title should not be indented. The second paragraph be half a centimeter indented on the first line.


Numerical or bullet lists (empty balls) are indented half a centimeter before the text, and the second line is also indented.


To type a semispace, use the keys (CTRL+Shift+2) in Persian keyboard mode or define a standard semispace (Shift+Space) from the symbol menu.


The main text of the article should be prepared in single column with BMitra font size 13 points and Times New Roman English font size is 11 points with single space. The title of all sections should be typed with BTitr font and size 12 points, and the titles of subsections should be typed with BTitr font and size 11 points. The title of each section or subsection should be typed with a blank line from the end of the text of the previous section. Avoid numbering titles in the body of the article.

(Please install the provided fonts first before starting.)

The order of the article titles should include these titles: Introduction, Research background, Research methodology, Research findings, Discussion, Conclusion and suggestions, Sources (BTitr 11 Bold).

Note 1: In the introduction, issue statement, goals and necessities of the research must be indicated. (in the introduction, it should be stated what this research is about and why is it being conducted?).

Note 2: In the background section of the research, the following main subsections should be indicated: 1. Theoretical background (existing theories, views and approaches about the issue); Empirical background (previous researches and their methodologies on the problem; Conceptual model (if the research is quantitative and has a model).

Note 3: Avoid including items such as appendices, annexes, and questionnaires when compiling the article. The objectives, questions and hypotheses of the research should be explained at the end of the issue statement.

Maximum number of article pages

 The number of pages of the article (including all parts of the article: English and Farsi abstracts, references, etc.) prepared in accordance with this editing guidelines, should not exceed  more than 20 pages in the same format.

Foreign words in Persian text

 For foreign words and names, as far as possible, use Persian equivalents. In the case of essential and uncommon foreign names or non-Persian equivalents, the Latin equivalent must be written as a subtitle at the bottom of the same page.(  only in the first reference and immediately after such words)


If it is necessary to insert subtitles, all Persian items are written in right-align with BMitra font size 10 points[1] and Latin subtitles are written in left-align with Times New Roman font size 9 points[2]. In the footnote, a dot is inserted after the number, then a space and finally the Persian or English equivalent is typed.

 Introduction of signs and variables in the text

Any type of variable or symbol used in the  body of the article should be introduced in the first reference of the article itself.


Each figure, including a diagram, chart, map, etc., must have a number and explanation, none of these items has a separate number, but they are typed from numbered from 1  in the middle, below it with BMitra font and size 10 Points.

 Charts can be in color or black and white.Diagrams and figures should be included in the text and where they are referred to.

It is mandatory to express the unit of quantities in the diagrams.All diagrams must be referenced in the text of the article.

In the preparation of the diagrams, it should be noted that the size of the numbers, words, quantities and the guide of the curves (Legend) should be large enough so that they are completely clear and legible after being inserted in the article.If the diagram inside the article is in the form of an image (software output), it must be fully clear.It is better to put the main file of the diagrams in the text of the article.Before and after each diagram, there is a distance of one line from the preceding and following text.

An example chart is below. (It should be noted that the diagrams themselves, like the tables, should be placed in the middle position of the fold compared to the two sides of the paper.)

Each table must have a number and a title (explanation) which is typed in the middle of the table with BMitra font and size 10 points and numbered in order from 1. Tables should be inserted within the text and after the place where they are mentioned. The titles of the columns of the tables should be in the middle of the text (BMitra 10 points) and all the texts inside the table  must be typed, in the right –aligned or middle of the text depending on the amount of text in the table, if they are in Persian. (BMitra thin 10 points) and if they are Latin  they must be typed in left-aligned font (Times New Roman 8 pt.).

All the numbers in the tables must be typed in Persian and in the middle of the text.It is mandatory to state the unit of quantities in the table.Each table should be placed with a blank line from the text before and after it, and if the tables are taken from a reference, it should be referred to in the APA method at the end of the table title (this method is explained below).

Table 1 is prepared according to the above guidelines. In this table, the type and size of the font required for compiling Persian articles are summarized (note that the table itself must be placed in the center of the fold in relation to the two sides of the paper).

Table 1. Summary of type and size of fonts required for editing Persian articles



font style


The title of the sections

B Titr



first name and last name

B Mitra



Organizational address of the authors

B Mitra



E-mail address of the authors

Times New Roman


Thin, blue

The title of the sections

B Titr



The title of the sub-sections

B Titr



Abstract text

B Mitra




B Mitra


bold italics

main text

B Mitra



Persian subtitle

B Mitra



Latin subtitles

Times New Roman



 Title of tables and graphs

B Mitra



 Titles of the columns of the tables

B Mitra



Persian texts inside the tables

B Mitra



Latin texts inside the tables

Times New Roman



Persian references

B Mitra



Latin references

Times New Roman



 Table 2 is also prepared according to the above guidelines. It is reminded that the tables should be placed in the first possible place after the first indication in the text, while inside the tables, Persian numbers and Persian titles should be used, and if punctuation is used, using periods instead of  decimal points must be avoided.For example, for number 0.5, first write  number 5, type the comma, and then write the number zero (0.5).


 To display relationships and mathematical formulas, use the two column table with invisible lines according to the example below. In the right column of this table, write the number of the relation and in the left column, write the relation or the related formula (using Microsoft Equation in writing the formulas is mandatory). If the formulas are prepared in the 2007 Word environment, the submitted file must be saved with the *.docx extension to prevent the formulas from being converted into photos. All mathematical relationships are numbered from 1 and the number of each relationship is separated by parentheses. Links should be in size 11 and Times New Roman font.

Subject literature and research background

be examined in the following two areas:

1)Internal studies

2)Foreign studies


The title of the figure or the so-called description of the figure should not be inside the figure and should be inserted outside it so that the font of the journal can be written on it. The source of the figure must be specified (either research findings, research calculations or the sources obtained by mentioning the year and inserting it in the refrences list).


 The summary and conclusion section is mandatory after the main text of the article. If you have suggestions, you can put them at the end of the conclusion. It is better that the conclusion be separated from the discussion.



The citation method of the American Psychological Association (APA 7) should be used for refrencing. You can use WORD, Mendeley or EndNote software to increase productivity and convenience in this work.

 In the list of English sources, all Persian references must be translated into English and written in 11 point Times New Roman font, and the title of the book and the name of the journal must be in italics.

Important points about  refrences:


First point: In Table 3, the method of sourcing books and articles is stated. In case of using other sources of information such as thesis, research report, statistics of governmental organizations, unpublished pamphlets, websites, audio and video files, etc., APA style should be used.

All the things that can be seen in table 3 for example (the journal number in parentheses, the name of the journal or thesis and the title of the book in italics, etc.) must be observed.

Second point: Refrencess must be written in full (not abbreviated). In the case of journals,  all features must be written in this order: the name of the journal both in Farsi and English, (in italics), period, ( journal number in parentheses) the last page of the article, the hyphen,  the first page of the article (Table 3).


The third point: Book refrences, both Persian and English, must be written according to the publication and place of publication (Table 3).

Curwen, B., Palmer, S., & Ruddell, P. (2000). Brief cognitive behavior therapy (Brief Therapies Series). London: Sage. Article or chapter in an edited book Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx). Location: Publisher.

Fourth point: The university and city should be mentioned for the refrences that are related to the doctoral thesis or dissertation.

 Murray, B. P. (2008). Prior knowledge, two teaching approaches for metacognition: Main idea and summarization strategies in reading (Doctoral dissertation, Fordham University, New York). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. (AAT 3302116)

 The fifth point: About the refrences related to the seminar , conferences, etc., writing the exact date and location of the conference is mandatory.

 Liu, C., Wu, D., Fan, J., & Nauta, M. M. (2008, November). Does job complexity predict job strains? Paper presented at the 8th Biannual Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Valencia, Spain.


Sixth point: Use new sources, especially those published in the last decade.


Important points about the list of Persian refrences

Do not use the words "others" and "colleagues" for in-text citation and write all the authors’ and researchers’ names unless there are 3 or more people.

Persian references should also be written in Farsi on the resources list: (Last name of the first author, name of the same author and family name of the second author, name of the same author. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Name of the publication, period (number), starting page of the article - ending page of the article.


Example : Taqwa, Muhammad; Mansouri, Ali; Faizi, Karim and Akhgar, Spring (2015). Detecting fraud in bank card transactions using parallel processing of anomalies in big data. Information Technology Management, 8(3), 477-498.

 Important points about the list of English refrences

1)At the end of the text, in the "References" section, in addition to English resources, Persian resources should also be translated into English.

2)To translate Persian sources, please refer to the original source. The Google translate program does not give a proper answer!!!

3)At the end of resources that are Persian and have been translated into English,  the phrase (inPersian) must be added in parenthesis.

4) References should be arranged in alphabetical order.


Referral Tips

1)If two or more different authors have the same name and the  publication year of their artwork is the same, Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by the initials of the author's given name(s) (B. Babaei, 1368), (M. Babaei, 1368).

2)If two or more works of the same author are referred to and the publication date of all of them is the same, they should be distinguished by alphabetical letters: (Abadi, 1385 A), (Abadi, 1385 B).

3)It is not necessary to repeat the author’s name in parentheses, Whenever it appears in the text:

 According to Diani (1368), it should be...

4)If the same previous source is referred immediately and after a maximum of three pages, "same" is used, and in Latin sources, "ibid" is used instead of the author's name. If the source is the same but the page number is different, the page number is written after "same" or "ibid".

5)If an article is referred to two or more refrences, each is separated from the other with a semicolon: (Diani, 1998; Hosni, 1999; Rasouli, 1999).

6)The order of the refrences list should be as follows:

The list of references is arranged in alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames.

If an author has a work and after that, he wrote another work with one or more collaborators, first the work of one author (if there were two or more works, based on the year of publication, and if the year of publications are the same, based on the alphabetical letters of the title), After that, the other works are written according to the alphabetical order of the second and third authors surnames.

On the resources list, Persian resources are written first, then Arabic resources and then foreign or Latin resources.

 In authored works, Persian resources must be written in Farsi and foreign resources must be written in the same original language; But in translated works,  method of referencing in the original book should be maintained. Meanwhile, bibliographic information is not translated; Unless it is used in the text and in the sentence:

Abrams (2009) In the Dictionary of Literary Terms, in the definition of metaphor, says:.


2) A Glossary of Literary Terms

In the references list and also in the text, the name of the book is written in italics.

On the Latin resources list, and should not be used between the authors' names and& should be written instead.

English Title of the Article with English Font (Arial) Size 14 Bold & Italic A line distance (Airal 11)

English abstract:

 The English abstract should be written in an expanded form by expanding the Persian abstract. (Complying with all the Persian abstract writing instructions is also mandatory in this section) and should be written in Times New Roman font. The number of abstract words should not be less than 450 words and not more than 750 words. Also, the English abstract of the article should be structured and include the research goals, research methods, the results and conclusions of research. It is reminded that all these parts are written in a separate line. Please observe these items.

 Keywords: The number of Persian keywords and the exact translation of the same words, with the difference that the order is based on English alphabetical order. (Times New Roman Bold 8). Hanging by 2 cm

Some important editorial points

 1.Numbers and dots should be used for numbering; Like the numbering of this part.

2.There is no need for a space before periods, commas, semicolons, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, etc.; But there should be a space after these signs.

3.When using parentheses, use a space before the opening parenthesis and after the closing parenthesis, the word inside the parenthesis will stick to the parenthesis without a space.

4.To write compound words or some verbs and similar words, use a semi-space (for example, humans, goes, decide, measure, benefit, logical, the same, etc.). .) [for example, I want (wrong) I want (correct)] to create a half space in the WORD software, (ctrl + shift + 2) must be used.

5.Instead of using the sign (%) in the text, use the word percentage, such as 25 percent.

 According to the new instructions of the Persian Language and Literature Academy, refrain from using (ه) and use (ه) in necessary cases.


important points that have to be considered

  1. Avoid using titles such as scientific rank (professor, associate professor, student), engineer, doctor, etc., before the names.
  2. Articles sent by students and teaching and research faculty members of universities and research institutions should be sent with their organizational or academic email and their Orchid ID.
  3. It is mandatory to include the phone number and email address of all the authors (the phone number and email address are responsive); If they are not responsive and do not respond to calls and correspondence, the article will be rejected.
  4. The order of entering the authors' names into the system must be exactly based on the order of the authors' names in the authors' profile file.
  5. The academic rank of the authors in the system must be exactly based on the academic rank of the authors in the authors' profile file.
  6. An article with a single author is accepted if it is derived from a research project. Therefore, it is necessary for the author to send the project approval form through the system.
  7. Before sending the article, the person in charge of correspondence should compare it with one of the appropriate software, so that it does not show more than two percent similarity with one source.
  8. Authors can propose five expert referees who are not co-authors and who do not have joint articles with the authors in the last five years. Finally, the referee will be selected by the editorial board of the publication.

Example of refrences section


 Surname, name (year). Title. Italic magazine title, period (number), page.

Rezaei, Ahmad and Mohammadi, Ali (1400). Title. International Political Economy, 5(1), 10-20.

 Shahabi, Shahreh; Shahbazi, Razia and Mohammadi, Mahnaz (1400). Title. Economic Research, 9 (1),


Other points

  1. The article prose, writing eloquence and followinf the citation methods is one the important referee criterias.
  2. Latin equivalent of important names and concepts must be written on the footnotes of each page.
  3. The publication of the article in this journal is subject to the approval of the referees, and the journal is free to edit the contents.
  4. If the article is submitted to any other journal , the publication procedure will be stopped in this journal.
  5. The name and surname along with the authors' details must be included in the authors' details file in both Persian and Latin languages.
  6. The author(s) are responsible for concept of the article.

Note: If your article has a financial sponsor or provider of research credit, it is mandatory to mention its information as thanks and appreciation on the first page. Also, if the article is taken from a research project or thesis or dissertation, it should be mentioned in (Persian and English) in the footnote and also it must be included in the authors' file.


1,500,000 rials equivalent to one hundred and fifty thousand tomans for evaluation and refereeing of the article

4,500,000 rials equivalent to four hundred and fifty thousand tomans for the publication of the article

  Account number 4001070103006825 (Shaba: IR830100004001070103006825)

with deposit ID 314070174140107000000002002202

In the name of the concentration of exclusive funds of the University of Tehran at Central Bank

Registering the deposit ID is required during payment, if the payment is made without registering the deposit ID, the article will not be sent to the referee.