Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor at University of Istanbul
It seems that in the Safavid studies, the political and diplomatic relations between Shah Ismail and Bayezid II, which was in a relatively peaceful environment, were overshadowed by subsequent wars. In general, Safavid studies have focused on a period that began with the wars due to the coming of Salim. Perhaps the most important reason is the lack of resources in which they refer to such points. However, the Ottoman Army records show that both sides have had a high level of diplomatic relations before the period of long wars. The main purpose of this paper is to study a peaceful period of relations between the Safavid and Ottoman states based on the sources and documents of the Ottoman archives. In fact, before the Salim I, the Ottoman government had a good relationship with the Safavid, who had arrived from Sheikh to Shah in the early 16th century. In this framework, both sides sent each other ambassadors and presents. According to the Ottoman sources and the bailiffs of Bayezid II sent to Sheikh Ismael Ardabilly, we will examine the Ottoman look for the king of Iran and accept him as a leader of the cult. In addition, we will explain how the ambassadors travel on both sides and use it to express their strength.