Volume 14 (2024)
Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Issue 1 June 2017, Pages 1-144
Issue 2 March 2017, Pages 1-148
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2011)
Research Paper
The Magical Cups of Some Fictional and Historical Characters in Iranian Texts

Sajad Aaydenloo

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 1-14


  Excluding two famous cups of Jamšīd and Key-xosrow with magical properties (similar to a crystal ball), some other historical and fictional characters also have magical cups in Iranian texts and narratives. Among them Kāvūs, the eminent Kayanid monarch, is the owner of the famed magical cup ...  Read More

Research Paper
Maelstroms in the Islamic and Iranian Texts

Mohammad Hassan Raznahan; Mehran Rezaei; Mohammad Hossein Soleymani

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 15-28


  Maelstroms are powerful and violent whirlpools in the sea, sucking in objects such as ships within a given radius. Not only most of the geographers mentioned the maelstroms, but also cartographers mapped them, to protect sailors from being drawn into them. One of the most recognized maelstroms in the ...  Read More

Research Paper
Jahān-namā Palace and the Entrance to Chahār-bāgh Avenue of Isfahan A Reflection on the Textual and Visual Sources from Safavid to Pahlavi Period

Ali Shojaee Esfahani

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 29-48


  On the outskirts of the old fortification of Isfahan, the Chahār-bāgh avenue was built during the expansion of the city in the reign of Šāh ʻAbbās I. At the starting point of Chahār-bāgh, the Jahān-namā palace was built by his command as well, which was the entrance monument of the Dowlat-xāneh. ...  Read More

Research Paper
Islamic Studies and the Religious Scholars in the Saljuq Era in Iran: A Statistic Study

Naser Sedghi; Nahid Bagheri Tofighi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 49-65


  Superiority of the Sunni jurists and scholars was one of the historical developments of the Saljuq era from educational, social, and cultural points of view. Despite the vast quantitative studies, the historical dimensions of this subject have not been analyzed thoroughly yet. In this paper, based on ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Effects, Allies and Enemies of Morgan Shuster's Financial Measures in the Late Qajar Period

mahdi salah

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 67-87


  The process of reform in the time of the second parliament (November 15, 1909 – December 24, 1911), which resulted in inviting Morgan Shuster for financial improvements in the late Qajar era, represented the controversy between tradition and modernism in Iran. Many factors were against the process ...  Read More

Research Paper
Iran in Al-avāʼel of Abū-Helāl ʻAskari

Somayeh-sadat Tabtabei; Alireza Hosseini

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 89-105


  Abū-Helāl ʻAskari, is a scholar with Iranian root, who was born in the fourth century A.H. in Xūzestān. He, like many other Iranian authors of his age, chose to write his works in Arabic. Al-avāʼel is the title of his historic - literary book on ethnic groups, and its ninth chapter is dedicated ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Glance at the Newly Discovered Epopee: Zāl va Maqātel-e Dīv

Reza Ghafouri

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2017, Pages 107-123


  The life story of Zāl - the son of Sam of Narīmān - is one of the most adventurous and astonishing stories of epic-heroic Iranian texts. Having white hair, being banished by his father, growing up in the Sīmorgh's nest, and finally living a long life, are among the features which differentiates Zāl ...  Read More