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Mojtaba Doroodi; Mohammad Javad Owladhoseyn
Kuh-e Rahmat is the name of a mountain located in the eastern part of Marvdasht city. Numerous ancient monuments can be seen in this mountain, the most important of which is undoubtedly Persepolis or the Achaemenid city of Pārsa. The mountain also includes extensive evidence of ancient burials. Furthermore, ...
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Kuh-e Rahmat is the name of a mountain located in the eastern part of Marvdasht city. Numerous ancient monuments can be seen in this mountain, the most important of which is undoubtedly Persepolis or the Achaemenid city of Pārsa. The mountain also includes extensive evidence of ancient burials. Furthermore, Sassanian epigraphical evidence, such as the inscriptions of Maqṣūd Ābād and Taxt-e Ṭawus, have been spotted in Kuh-e Rahmat. A newly found Middle Persian inscription that can be considered a burial inscription will be introduced and discussed in the present article. The most critical issue in this inscription is the attestation of the city Istakhr. Such an attestation in the context of burial inscriptions is unique.It is generally assumed that the inscription might belong to the late Sassanian era. Such burial inscriptions could belong to one of the significant social classes at that time, i.e., the scribes. The exact location of the newly inscribed inscription of Kuh-e-Mehr is the same valley in which Taxt-e Ṭawus inscriptions are located: on the right side of the road between Naqsh-e-Rajab and the city of Istakhr. Kuh-e Rahmat inscription is written in six lines vertically. Its dimensions is 50 cm in 60 cm. There are two square holes below the inscription in the mouth of a small cave. Some researchers consider these holes, which are very frequent in this region, as Astodān. Such square holes can be seen in large numbers on the mountain slopes near Naqsh-e Rajab and the newly discovered inscription. These holes could indicate that the Kuh-e Rahmet inscription is a burial inscription. The surrounding area could be a burial place as well.All the material presented in this speech indicates the great importance of this inscription, which necessitates further research on this inscription.The environment around this inscription should also be further studied by archaeologists.
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sayyes saeid reza montazery; Moslem Rezvani
Dualism idea is one of the most important ideas in Zoroastrianism that has put in the centrality of cosmology in this religion. This idea has attempted to describe and divide the World into two origins namely good and evil that contrast with each other. Dualism is an idea that has anticipated to be presented ...
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Dualism idea is one of the most important ideas in Zoroastrianism that has put in the centrality of cosmology in this religion. This idea has attempted to describe and divide the World into two origins namely good and evil that contrast with each other. Dualism is an idea that has anticipated to be presented in all levels and structures of this religion like system of morality. In this paper, we have attempted to survey the influence of this idea on the system of morality in Zoroastrianism by adopting two approaches: Text-based approach and logical approach. In Text- based approach, we have regarded to survey of similarities and coexistences in the Text, between Dualism and concepts of morality. By adopting of this approach, we can perceive this idea has left its dichotomy among the concepts of morality in different ways and has oriented toward itself. Because a discussion about the lack of relation between descriptive and morality propositions always challenges the relationship between moral principles and cosmology of a religion، this topic has been regarded as a second approach in order to survey the issue in this paper. In this approach, we have considered the logical relation between the concepts of morality and Dualism as an idea that attempts to describe the World in a special method. In one hand, if we consider the influence as a deduction of cosmology propositions and in the other hand, the logical relation has not been existed between (ought and is), on the basis of this, any kind of relation and assumption of the influence between cosmology of Dualism and morality on the behalf of authors of these Texts and Founders has considered, it has been on the basis of logical fault and sophistry (is and ought). Although with comprehensive look on the historical process of Zoroastrian ethics، we can find out the deep influence of dualism on morality principles in Pahlavi literature unto Old Avesta that has been reduced and we can see a kind of movement toward the severing of the ethics from cosmology principles.
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Parisima Mashayekhi; Farah Zahedi
Bandesh (consisting of two parts, bun meaning beginning and beginning, and dahišn, equivalent to the word dahesh in Persian, means creation, and in general it means beginning creation) is one of the surviving books in the middle Persian Zoroastrian language, the contents of which are only related ...
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Bandesh (consisting of two parts, bun meaning beginning and beginning, and dahišn, equivalent to the word dahesh in Persian, means creation, and in general it means beginning creation) is one of the surviving books in the middle Persian Zoroastrian language, the contents of which are only related to the issue. Creation is not limited, and much of it is about the end of the world. In this book, a long section is devoted to plants, which is probably based on studies of the Sassanid period. In this article, plants are divided into sixteen sections, and this section is based on the uses that reach them to humans. Of course, we see in the text of the seventeen divisions that the firewood case includes the wood of all plants. In the study section, the names of vegetables and fruits are classified into several groups: some are called tar, some are called oil, some are called colored, and some are called fragrant. It also divides plants into two parts, which include two parts and one part. These are: fruits that may be eaten inside and outside, those that may be eaten outside, may be eaten inside; Those who may eat the inside, may eat the outside. The identification of some of these names is ambiguous and different researchers do not agree on reading them. In order to understand the correct and incorrect reading of these words, all the manuscripts left by him should be examined and the reason for using that particular word should be considered in order to provide a correct translation of it. In the present article, an attempt has been made to review and revise some of these words by comparing them with different manuscripts and comparing them with some other texts that contain botanical information, especially Persian pharmaceutical and scientific books, and to offer new suggestions for reading these words.
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omid vahdanifar; esmaeil alipoor
The purpose of this article is to examine Iranian Culture in the travelogue Droville, a military adviser to FatAli Shāh. In the present study, the first reports of the French author are classified into three levels: "Positive Paradigms", "Negative Paradigms" and "Neutral Paradigms". Then below each ...
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The purpose of this article is to examine Iranian Culture in the travelogue Droville, a military adviser to FatAli Shāh. In the present study, the first reports of the French author are classified into three levels: "Positive Paradigms", "Negative Paradigms" and "Neutral Paradigms". Then below each class, has been analyzed the images presented on the basis of the components of homogeneity, contradiction, generalization, holism and magnification, which are the characteristics of the "imagology approach". Imagology, which is one of the approaches of comparative literature, has an interdisciplinary nature and is therefore linked to cultural studies. The application of this approach in reading travelogues is important in that it can be viewed in terms of "native" culture from the perspective of "other". So there are two main questions in this article: what aspects of Iranian Culture in the Qājār era have been the focus of a French military adviser? How are these cultural images reflected in the above travelogue? This study has been done with a descriptive-analytical method based on imagology approach in comparative literature. The findings of the study indicate that cultural elements were not reflected in the original form in this travelogue. In fact, these images are the transformed form of the author's early data, which has gone through the channel of different ideologies. The cultural imagology of Drouville is sometimes influenced by Western-European ideas and Intertextual relations and often derived from the class cultural geography of the Qājār era society that he interacted with them.Keywords: Imagology, Travelogue, Droville, Iranian Culture, Qājār eraImagology of Qājār era Iranian Culture in travelogue DrovilleThe purpose of this article is to examine Iranian Culture in the travelogue Droville, a military adviser to Fath-Ali Shāh. In the present study, the first reports of the French author are classified into three levels: "Positive Paradigms", "Negative Paradigms" and "Neutral Paradigms". Then below each class, has been analyzed the images presented on the basis of the components of homogeneity, contradiction, generalization, holism and magnification, which are the characteristics of the "imagology approach".
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Cheten Tash; Mahmod Jafari Dehaghi
The Kurdish language is a chain of interconnected western Iranian dialects. In terms of phonetics, morphology, and syntax, this language has many common features with the modern Iranian languages around it, as well as Middle Iranian languages, such as Middle Persian. One of these features is irony. ...
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The Kurdish language is a chain of interconnected western Iranian dialects. In terms of phonetics, morphology, and syntax, this language has many common features with the modern Iranian languages around it, as well as Middle Iranian languages, such as Middle Persian. One of these features is irony. In the construction of irony, the behavior of the subject and the direct object is fundamentally different from the subject-object system in terms of mode and marking. According to the order of dependence, each verb has dependents that necessarily come with it based on its capacity. Subject, direct object and indirect object are dependents of the verb. In this research, based on the order of dependence, the behavior of the verb and its relationship with its dependents in the construction of irony in the Kurdish language has been investigated and compared with Middle Persian. And by examining examples from Middle Persian and Kurdish languages, an attempt has been made to analyze the problem of verb conjugation, and at the end, a special case of verb conjugation in these languages is examined. The Kurdish language is a chain of interconnected western Iranian dialects. In terms of phonetics, morphology, and syntax, this language has many common features with the modern Iranian languages around it, as well as Middle Iranian languages, such as Middle Persian. One of these features is irony. In the construction of irony, the behavior of the subject and the direct object is fundamentally different from the subject-object system in terms of mode and marking. According to the order of dependence, each verb has dependents that necessarily come with it based on its capacity. Subject, direct object and indirect object are dependents of the verb. In this research, based on the order of dependence, the behavior of the verb and its relationship with its dependents in the construction of irony in the Kurdish language has been investigated and compared with Middle Persian. And by examining examples from Middle Persian and Kurdish languages, an attempt has been made to analyze the problem of verb conjugation, and at the end, a special case of verb conjugation in these languages is examined.
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Reza Ordou; Roozbeh Zarrinkoob
The nature of the broader geopolitical relationship between the Arsacids with Sarmatians and the Dacian kingdom, in the north and northwestern region of the Black Sea area, in the late first and early second century CE, is a subject that has been mentioned in very few sources regarding the history of ...
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The nature of the broader geopolitical relationship between the Arsacids with Sarmatians and the Dacian kingdom, in the north and northwestern region of the Black Sea area, in the late first and early second century CE, is a subject that has been mentioned in very few sources regarding the history of the Arsacids. After prolonged conflicts between the Arsacid and Roman empires, the Arsacids eventually could practically rule Armenia in the second half of the first century CE. In the first century CE, Sarmatians made a decisive appearance in the kingdoms north of the Black Sea. At the same time, in the late first century CE, the Dacian kingdom became an influential power in the northwest Black Sea region, troubling the Roman empire on its borders. In the Roman-Dacian wars, the Sarmatians were in alliance with the Dacians. On the other hand, the Dacian king probably was in a friendly relationship with the Arsacids. It appears that these three powers -Arsacids, Sarmatians, and Dacians- were interconnected in their progress toward the west. This research aims to answer the following question: How could the Arsacid Empire manage to establish friendly relations with the peoples of the Caspian-Pontic steppes and Dacian kingdom beyond the Black Sea? In an attempt to answer this question, the demographic composition of the northern half of the Black Sea, along with the regional power structures present, will be considered. The historical context between the Arsacids, Sarmatians, and the Dacians, along with their mutual allies in the first and early second century CE, will be considered. To Conclude, controlling Armenia by the Arsacids from mid-first century CE, for almost five decades, and also a significant influx of the Sarmatians, who had kinship and commercial communication with the Arsacids, into the states of the northern half of the Black Sea, simultaneously in this period, caused the formation of an alliance between the Arsacids and Dacians via Sarmatians.
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javad choupaniyan
Abstract:The discovery of gold and treasure has a long history and was probably shown in some historical periods of this land. The guild actively engaged in this work, known as marbles or goldsmiths. In this age, underground and treasure hunting meant the acquisition of precious objects found underground, ...
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Abstract:The discovery of gold and treasure has a long history and was probably shown in some historical periods of this land. The guild actively engaged in this work, known as marbles or goldsmiths. In this age, underground and treasure hunting meant the acquisition of precious objects found underground, such as pottery and tiles, and objects made of gold, silver, decorative stones, glass, bronze weapons, old coins, and anything else. Types of objects such as those obtained by deliberate or accidental excavation from the soil. However, the fact that this job became a class that countless people did, is a new category that occurred in the Qajar period. They even negotiated with the central government on this issue, and for some time several thousand people have been officially engaged in this work. This is a research work that is mostly based on documents and some sources of Qajar period, including some travelogues, and deals with the performance of this job with a completely critical view and tries to understand this profession analytically-descriptively and its destructive effects on Iranian antiquities. It is something that has been less researched. This job also had an impact on the beginning of Iranian studies in Iran, even before the Western archeological activities in Iran, which were started by the Jews of Iran and they considered themselves as amateur archaeologists (commercial excavators) who also helped the government treasury. Even up to the second Pahlavi period, this class was involved in looting antiquities in the city of Rey and other parts of Iran. 16 December 1312 AH For the first time, the French were granted the privilege of scientific exploration in all parts of Iran.16 December 1312 AH For the first time, the French were granted the privilege of scientific exploration in all parts of Iran. After the formation of the first National Assembly of Iran, it was annulled. Unfortunately, commercial and personal drilling became official