Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department. Faculty of Humanities, University of Bojnord , Bojnord, Iran


The purpose of this article is to examine Iranian Culture in the travelogue Droville, a military adviser to Fat

Ali Shāh. In the present study, the first reports of the French author are classified into three levels: "Positive Paradigms", "Negative Paradigms" and "Neutral Paradigms". Then below each class, has been analyzed the images presented on the basis of the components of homogeneity, contradiction, generalization, holism and magnification, which are the characteristics of the "imagology approach". Imagology, which is one of the approaches of comparative literature, has an interdisciplinary nature and is therefore linked to cultural studies. The application of this approach in reading travelogues is important in that it can be viewed in terms of "native" culture from the perspective of "other". So there are two main questions in this article: what aspects of Iranian Culture in the Qājār era have been the focus of a French military adviser? How are these cultural images reflected in the above travelogue? This study has been done with a descriptive-analytical method based on imagology approach in comparative literature. The findings of the study indicate that cultural elements were not reflected in the original form in this travelogue. In fact, these images are the transformed form of the author's early data, which has gone through the channel of different ideologies. The cultural imagology of Drouville is sometimes influenced by Western-European ideas and Intertextual relations and often derived from the class cultural geography of the Qājār era society that he interacted with them.

Keywords: Imagology, Travelogue, Droville, Iranian Culture, Qājār era

Imagology of Qājār era Iranian Culture in travelogue Droville

The purpose of this article is to examine Iranian Culture in the travelogue Droville, a military adviser to Fath-Ali Shāh. In the present study, the first reports of the French author are classified into three levels: "Positive Paradigms", "Negative Paradigms" and "Neutral Paradigms". Then below each class, has been analyzed the images presented on the basis of the components of homogeneity, contradiction, generalization, holism and magnification, which are the characteristics of the "imagology approach".


Main Subjects

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Imagology of Qājār era Iranian Culture in travelogue Droville