Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student of Art Research, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.

2 Associate professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

3 Associate professor, Department of Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran



It can be acknowledged that needlework represents the authenticity of the Baloch people, the most well-known and important art of the people of Baluchistan. This beautiful art is sewn in different cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province by the hands of Sistani and Baloch women, but the selection of Iranshahr city as the national city of needlework has given special importance to Baloch needlework of this city. Problems such as the sewing of Baloch needlework by foreign nationals and the danger of the authenticity of this valuable art, which is referred to as a national heritage, require a special look at this field. It is necessary to try to identify the problems that stand in the way of Baloch needlework in Iranshahr city and present the effective factors for increasing the employment of Baloch women in this city.  What has been considered as the goal of this research is the study of factors affecting the employment of Baloch women in the field of needlework and its effect on the advancement of the region's economy. The required information of the research, which was conducted by descriptive-analytical method, was collected through library and field studies, and the questionnaire tool was also used. The statistical sample of the research is made up of needlewomen from Iranshahr city. After analyzing the obtained data, among the factors affecting the increase of employment of Baloch women in the field of needlework in Iranshahr city and as a result the economic advancement of the region, factors such as allocating fixed salaries to active needlewomen, Attracting the help of investors and setting up the supply chain of raw materials in Sistan and Baluchistan province and as a result reducing the production costs of needlework products and increasing employment in the province, guaranteeing the purchase of needlework products at a fair price , improvement of internet coverage in the villages of Iranshahr and so on.


Main Subjects

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