Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Ancient Iranian History, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran.

2 Professor of History Department, Najaf Abad branch. Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of History and Ancient World Languages and Civilizations, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran.



How the universe was originally created and the creation of natural elements and their fit with numbers has always been of human interest. Although the myths of creation reflect the mindset of primitive man, they often seek a purposeful structure. With the importance and role that water has in life and has caused it to play a special role in the beliefs of all nations, a group of ancient tribes sought the origin of all creation in water. The existence of water at the beginning of creation based on ancient Iranian texts has always been considered and in the belief of the ancient Iranians, the creation of water takes place after the sky. In pre-Zoroastrian religions and also in Zoroastrian religion, water has always been sacred and goddesses and goddesses were in charge of protecting and guarding it. A significant part of the myths of ancient Iranian religions is dedicated to water. In the cultural and biological system of the early periods of life, humans used special methods to recognize and introduce the phenomena of existence, one of which is myth. Myths are among the first arguments and cognitive explanations of early humans to determine the nature and location of the available and unknown elements of nature, and they include part of the human cognitive system in the beginning of mankind.  This research has studied and analyzed the role of sacred numbers three and seven in the creation of waters with a descriptive and analytical approach. The results of the research indicate that numbers influence nature and the objects under their control, and in this way they mediate between God and the world of creation. In between, the number three is more spiritual and has a role in religious belief and Yazidi and good affairs, and the number seven is more material and sometimes spiritual in the creation of water.


Main Subjects

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