Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran / Persian Language and Literature. Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran



Comparative literature is one of the most important topics in literary research, it can show the mutual influence of literature between different countries. On the other hand, the story and storytelling are the most important elements of literature, and knowing the elements of the story will lead to a better  understanding of it. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the differences and commonalities in the style and elements of the story with comparative study in the story elements of  the first collection of short stories by two writers from Iran and Syria, "The Quenched Fire [Atash-e Khamoosh]" by Simin Daneshvar and "Maraya al-nas [People's Mirrors]" by Widad Sakakini. The ancient literature in Iran and Syria is connected with the concept of storytelling and anecdote, and both countries simultaneously got familiar with the phenomenon of short story as a contemporary literary type. Storytelling experiences in these two countries began with male writers, but eventually, women writers joined the ranks. In Iran in 1948, Simin Daneshvar published her collection "The Quenched Fire [Atash-e Khamoosh]", which was the first collection of persian short stories written by a woman, gave the hope for the emergence of a female storyteller. In Syria, the pioneer of story writing among women was widad Sakakini, who first published her stories in the weekly story column in some magazines, and then published her first collection of stories, Maraya al-Nas (Mirrors of the People) in 1945/1324. Among the first collection of short stories by women writers in Iran and Syria, there are many commonalities that indicate special story writing in the period of essay writing and report writing, and they have benefited less from the practical techniques of artistic short stories, but they are very important; Because they are among the pioneers of short stories and have made a great impact on story.


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