Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of History University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph. D Candidate of History University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


From the establishment of Iraq in 1932 up to the Iraqi coup of 1958, the disputes between the two neighboring countries of Iran and Iraq did not extend beyond boundary disputes and lead to severe tensions and disputes between them due to the royal structure of their ruling system, their membership in the Baghdad Pact, and the dependence of both governments on the Western bloc. However, there was a period of tension, threats and regional competitions between them after the 1958 military coup in Iraq by Abd al-Karim Qasim and Iraq’s tendency to establish friendly relations with the Soviet Union (Eastern Bloc). This article investigates Iraq's relations with the Soviet Union and its impact on the foreign relations of Iran and Iraq from 1958 to 1979. The question dealt with in this study is: “How did Iraq's dependence on the Soviet Union impact the Iran-Iraq relations from 1958 to 1979?” It is argued that Iraq established friendly relations with the Eastern bloc in line with the Soviet policy after the coup of 1958 in order to gain a more prominent role in the Persian Gulf and enhance its military and political power in the region, which added to the conflicts and disputes between Iran and Iraq, as well as their arms races and interventions in each other’s internal affairs and support of the opposition groups in the two countries. Discussing the history of Iran-Iraq relations before the Iraqi coup of 1958, this article points to Iran’s post-coup concerns due to the change of Iraqi government and its tendency to the Eastern bloc. Delving into the Iraq-Soviet relations, this study examines the impacts of Iraq's dependence on the Soviet Union on Iran-Iraq relations manifested by their arms races and support for the opposition groups in the two countries.


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