Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of History University of Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. Student of History University of Tehran, Iran.

3 M.A. Graduate of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran.


The constitutional revolution was one of the hallmarks of the Iranian modern history and led to a series of groundbreaking changes in the social and political structure of this country; even though, after many ups and downs, this movement eventually distanced itself from its main objectives. The importance of this period has caused many historians and researchers to participate in defining its complications, but among them, Fereydoun Adamiyat has been recognized as one of the first and best. In this paper, we review his works and thoughts with a critical approach and go through the circumstances in which the constitutional revolution formed and evolved according to his historiography. At the same time, his political views and way of thinking and his social background, upbringing, and education are taken into account in order to better understand his stance regarding the constitutional events and their participants. Adamiyat’s works have more been praised for their comprehensive analysis, rather than criticized, so it seems necessary to write this paper with the aforesaid specific intention. 


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