Document Type : Research Paper
Ph.D. in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payam Noor University, South Branch of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Yarsanism, Ahl-e Haqq or Kaka'i- is a Islamic interreligious trend that has considerable background. The history of its formation, religious principles and its roots, allegorical expression, symbolic expression, symbolic expression and its mysterious religious literature have aura of ambiguity. Therefore, the researches has expressed different conflicting opinions about the historical creation, the roots and beliefs of, Ahl-e Haqq or Kaka'i, there is also a diversity of opinions among the Ahl-e Haqq scholars. The theologians also have shown contradictory opinions about the nature of this doctrine by deciphering the aforementioned texts, translating and interpreting the technical terms and concepts of the Yarsanism discourse which is provided by the special jargon of the oral language,
This paper has responded these two questions: The fundamentals of beliefs and principles of Ahl al-Haq religion are aligned with which of the Islamic sects and in what aspects are they similar?
This writing has been written in a descriptive - analytical method based on the original primary texts written in different dialects of kurdish language. This essay examines and explains the fundamentals, religious principles and basic beliefs of Ahl al-Haq, such as the manifestation of God's essence in the universe and mankind, the cycle of life (donai don), which expresses the evolution of the human soul, and the quality of communication between angels and humans, which has been processed with different expressions and interpretations such as: incarnation, immanance, symbol and manifestation.
In the following, the initial roots of these foundations in the Kisanieh sect are shown in this article. In the religious sources of Ahl al-Haqq, attention is paid to the two personalities of Muhammad Hanafiyah and Mukhtar Thaghafi, who are also of interest in Kisanieh's thought, increases the connection between Ahl-i-Haq and Kisaniyyah.
Ahl al-Haq has been developed and deepened over time under the influence of the surrounding conditions as well as the conditions of the religious era and has become today's form. In addition, belief in three infallible imams is another commonality between Ahl al-Haq and Kisaniyyah.
Another goal of this article is to find out the influence of this thought from some sects such as Makhamseh, Mansourieh, and Sufism, which led to fundamental changes in the formation and organization of this ritual.