Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Ilam branch, Iran Islamic Azad University Ilam, Iran.



An effective and useful communication requires an expression that has a proper structure so that it does not threaten the dignity of the participants, and the strategies of Politeness in verbal exchanges are to establish a useful and effective communication by preserving the image of the participants and not threatening the reputation of the speaker and audience; However, contrary to the usual global practice in which the process of democratization of relations, reduction and elimination of differences between the level of participants and the tendency to equality and level, has prevailed, in our society today, it is observed that in some verbal interactions; Consciously or unconsciously, polite expressions, terms and words have been used too much of necessity and necessity, which in addition to violating Grace's "principle of quantity" and threatening the speaker's face, this assumption can also be considered probable. Which is for the purpose of flattery. However, for any purpose, the structure is inappropriate and speakers need to be both aware and have the right verbal communication skills to speak correctly, consciously and artistically in their verbal interactions and their speech has a structural balance, for this purpose in this article In addition to citing the results of the findings of other researchers in this field, in order to achieve a suitable and preferred structure, the conversations of the book "Tales of Amir Ali 1" which has 28 parts and 30 stories modern have been studied and while finding several related examples, and mentioning some One of them in a suitable place in the text of this article, based on the theory of Brown and Levinson Politeness and its , faces and indicators and capacities of pronouns, verbs and broad terms of Persian language and review and analysis of all data in a descriptive-analytical method for this question. What is the structure of polite and flattering expressions in verbal exchanges? And other possible questions related to the position have been answered appropriately and new tricks have been proposed that are unprecedented. That is, it is an innovative and new solution.


Main Subjects

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