Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The private law of Zoroastrians of the Sasanian era, as reflected in Mādayān ī hazār dādestān (The Book of Thousand Judgments), acknowledges two types of surety-bond: pāyandānīh pad xwāstag and pāyandānīh pad tan. The first one, which is obviously comparable to żamāna bi-al-šayʾ or zamāna bi-al-māl of Islamic jurisprudence, is less ambiguous, but the latter one, somehow because of its apparently complex formulation and its lesser recognized legal context is not properly perceived and the relationship between its elements remains vague. The incorrect perceptions and translations of these cases have led to incorrect lexical equivalents such as tan/slave and incorrect legal outcomes such as the notion of debt slavery in Sasanian Zoroastrian law. Comparing these cases with a kind of surety-bond in Islamic jurisprudence, ie. żamāna bi-al-nafs, which has clear formulations and its semantic and legal background is also well-known, produces vital clues for solving difficulties of aforementioned Middle Persian legal cases. The comparison of these two demonstrates the high degree of similarity of between these Sasanian Zoroastrian legal cases and similar ones in Islamic jurisprudence.


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