Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, University of Tehran

2 Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization

3 Ph.D. Graduate of Archaeology, University of Tehran


Hellenism is a part of Iran’s historical period. This era starts with the devastating onslaught of Alexander, the Macedonian warlord. Our historical sources introduce Alexander with a collection of mythic-historical features which make us visualize the real Alexander with an ambiguous image. The conflicting viewpoints of eastern and western historical works in pre-Islamic periods can be the reason for this scrutiny. Specially, the eastern works which show the formation of an intellectual movement and the religious resistance of Iranian society and their clergies in Hellenist, Parthian and Sassanid periods against Hellenistic traditions. The quality of Iranian and Muslim historians’ deviation from depending on western sources and historical works would be clear through studying alexandropedias and Islamic sources.                                                                                                   
