

Three Islands question is an important subject-matter in modern history of the Persian Gulf. A survey on rising of this question is very important due to its role in the establishment of a principle relationship between the regional countries. The British officials emphasized Iranian sovereignty over the Islands until late nineteenth century, but the intensifying of the political and economical rivalry between the European great powers, and the threat to the British interest in the late decade of the nineteenth century changed the British approach in the region while Britain was the protector of the sheikdoms. The occupation of the three islands at the entrance of the Persian Gulf at the beginning of 1903 was an important action of Britain in confrontation with others rivals. In 1971 the question ended by an agreement between Iran and English government, but by establishment of Islamic republic of Iran the question raised again. Hens for the historical recourses focused on difference and caused dimity and desperation of coastal countries. One of the most resources in this subject "The UAE three Occupied Islands" focused on Island dispute to discuss the historical and legal Arab sovereignty over Iranian three Islands and dimmed to propagate Iran Threat to Arabs. White analyzing the events occurred between 1895 and 1903 and occupation of Islands by English navy in 1903, we might understand about Identity of question and importance of Tomb & Abu Musa Islands in British policy in Persian Gulf.
